Re: GNOME stock administration tools.

Dear Sivan,

The Hackfest is only for current members of the GNOME release and
marketing team, so it's invitation only. However people from the community can put forth proposals about what they could work on or how they could contribute at the hackfest as long as it's focusing on the GNOME 3 launch.

In your case I would suggest to start talking with people involved in GNOME 3.0. Your questions are beyond our scope, and GNOME 3.0 has made some efforts towards centralization of configuration and system tools I believe (don't take my word for it though).

I would recommend that you visit the #gnome3 or #gnome-hackers IRC channels or email gnome-devel-list ( with your questions.

Rewriting something from the ground up might be started way before the hackfest, the hackfest being here to fine tune, test and collaborate with others toward the product launch.

Regardless of what I just wrote if you get support from people involved in the GNOME 3.0 launch I suggest that you put up a proposal with the people supporting your work as a reference and we'll happily review your application.

I hope I gave you enough indicators to move your ideas forward. Please do not hesitate to get back to us if you need more hints.

Kind regards,

Fred Muller

On 01/24/2011 09:04 AM, Sivan Greenberg wrote:
Hi Summit List,

  My name is Sivan Greenberg. A long time gnome contributor and
integrator for Ubuntu.

  I once used to work on gnome-system-tools:

I am wondering if there is room to re establish the GNOME upstream
system tools, but with a re-design from the ground up and implementing
it all in Python? What is the modern choice for developing Python /
GTK apps today? Is it still SimpleGladeApp + PyGTK?

My PyGTK experience:

If this is interesting, I might be able (given travel and
accommodation sponsorship) to attend and work on this burning issues
in GNOME in my opinion.


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