Fwd: Re: GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 - minimal conference fee

Forward those questions to lakhil and bharath :)

Lakhil / Bharath,

How the FOSS.In charge the fee? Paid on the spot ?

You two know what's the best way work for local people.

Just one concern if participants paid on the spot, it might be a bottle neck for the entrance. Will they paid by cash or credit card ? Everyone need to pay? How about speaker and sponsors? How to distinguish the normal participants which need to pay and the students who don't need to pay? Different badge them?

It is our first time to charge the entrance fee, so I have lots of questions and need to learn.


2011/1/17 Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org>

On 01/17/2011 05:39 PM, Emily Chen wrote:
I agree with Lakhil / Bharath since it is quite common in Indian. The fee sounds very reasonable.

For GUADEC, we also need to pay for the conference fee, I paid 200 Euro this year to attend GUADEC.

One thing we need to think, is the online payment system. We can have two ways: Online payment and on site payment.
Great, I also agreed with the proposal as long as the fee is affordable and reasonable. Actually we discussed about the payment during last meeting, since it's not a big amount, and the local team suggested not to charge those students from the university providing the conference venue. They preferred to have volunteers helped to take the fee from the participants on the spot :-)

- Pockey

We can discuss this in tomorrow's meeting.


2011/1/17 Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org>
Dear all,

Lakhil / Bharath suggested to have a minimal conference fee (Students $4-$5. delegates $10 , corporate delegates $50 something on these lines). The purpose is not to make money, when there is registration fee people take it a bit more seriously. The local team said it's common in India , even foss.in used to have fee. While sponsors / speakers and students from the conference venue will be free. So in order to charge, logistics are needed to think about.

If there is any objection from the GNOME committee about this minimal conference fee, please let us know by tomorrow before the meeting. Thanks!

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