Re: GNOME Asia Video Beta on Youtube from Max

Hi Max,

The voice is missing after 3 mins. Can you double check ?


2011/4/25 Max <sakanamax hotmail com>
Dear ALL:

Here comes the Beta 2 version for GNOME.Asia 2011 Video
for short version 3min

Please give me feed back

Best  regards


2011/4/22 Max <sakanamax hotmail com>:
> Dear ALL:
> Thanks for your suggestion ^__^
> Max still learn from all of you.
> I will edit a short version about 3 mins.  ( as soon as possible ^++++^)
> Thanks  everyone  ^____^
> Please keep suggest me and teach me with everything.............
> Best regards
> Max
> 2011/4/22 Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>:
>> Hi max,
>> This looks great.
>> One suggestion is that we could have a SHORT version of this video. I
>> suggest to edit a 3 mins video.
>> Usually people will lose their attention after watch 3 mins, especially when
>> playing on the internet or playing during conference.
>> This is a golden rule for video and I follow this for the video of the
>> GNOME.Asia Summit 2008, which is exactly  3 mins.
>> I really enjoy watching this video, thanks a lot for working on this.
>> -Emily
>> 2011/4/22 Max <sakanamax hotmail com>
>>> Dear ALL:
>>> We have GNOME Asia Video Beta, but  I will fix it as soon as possible
>>> You can see the beta version ( Why Beta? Because I upload to youtube,
>>> but it have doube size)
>>> Here you are
>>> Best regards
>>> Max
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