Dear Max,
Would you please take meeting notes for today? Thanks :)
On 04/11/2011 11:52 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:
Dear all,
Let's have a post-event meeting tomorrow and discuss about
comments as well as follow up on this great summit :-)
In order to speed up the meeting, please send us email to update
us on the status of your action items before the meeting,
Please find below
the agenda and see you all tomorrow.
Date: April 12 Tuesday
Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server
Planned agenda:
- Previous action items updates (
- Other things to follow up
- Comments of this summit for next years (
- Timeline of call for host in 2012
- Other open topics
Outstanding action items (status):
Post event
- Prepare press release (English and Chinese) - Fred, Pockey
(Eng) and Max (Chinese)
- Send press release to press (including our contacted press
and other general press from GNOME) and follow up - Bharath /
Fred / Pockey / Max
- Gather statistic from volunteers (participants contacts /
total no. etc) - Bharath
- Prepare post event survey - Emily (DONE, please comment)
- Send emails to sponsors to follow up - Fred
- Send emails to speakers to follow up (thank them, upload
slides, ask them to blog, etc.) - Pockey (DONE)
- Find a photo sharing platform - fred and everybody (DONE)
- Volunteers upload pictures - Bharath
- Edit our marketing video - Max and Allan Caeg
- Follow up with the board if we received all the money from
each sponsor (Fred / pockey / Emily)
- Update on the refund of paid participants (how much we
refund in total) and donation fee (17500 rs?) - Bharath
- Finalize expense report to send to the GNOME.Asia committee
first and then send to the Foundation upon approval - Bharath
/ Pockey
- Follow up with different communities to establish GUGs -
Pockey / Emily (in
Everybody to put comments on what we can
improve / keep for next year(s) - everybody -
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