Re: Proposal to host GNOME.Asia Summit 2011

Hi Pockey,

Sorry I didn't communicate with you and another team members few weeks lately. Lot of things happen to me regarding national community event, works and personal things.

Me and my friend already have enough information about the 1-day conference but not for the 3-day private hackfest.

Could you help me to clarify about the hackfest plan. Such as target of participants, agenda and objective of the hackfest?
Sorry if this already discussed/explained while I slept.

Many thanks.


On 11/17/2010 10:51 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:
Hi Utian,

Haven't seen you for a few weeks at IRC meeting, hope everything goes
well with you!

Please be reminded that the deadline of submitting the proposal to host
the GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 is on or before 28th November Sunday. The
proposal will be submitted to the asia-summit-list gnome org  If you
have any problem regarding the proposal, please don't hesitate to let us

The format templates can be found at the bottom of this page:

Suggested sessions for the proposals include the following. You can add
more contents if you think it's useful :)

1) Introduction (why host the event in your city)
2) Objectives (of the event)
3) Communication messages (what messages do we want to deliver)
4) Local organizers and co-organizers
5) Organizing / Working Team
6) Venue and Date
7) Target participants, speakers and audiences
8) Suggested agendas
9) Expectations and Marketing
10) Budget estimation
11) Potential Sponsors, Media Partners and Supporters
12) Conclusion

- Pockey

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