Re: [COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] PR for calling for papers

I'll share the doc with Pockey and Emily. Also, I think there's no problem if we share the system -- actually, thanks Pofeng, it's almost done [1]. If someone choose "Other" as the category suggestion, and if the topic is GNOME-related, then GASC have it, or go to CT's program committee.


Bob Chao (Chao Po-chiang)
Community Liaison

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 10:32 AM, 李柏鋒 (Pofeng Lee) <pofeng gmail com> wrote:
ok, processing

Chinese version:

( Bob is the owner )

2010/5/27 Rex Tsai <rex cc tsai gmail com>

Great, enclosed please find updated short version PR text (added GNOME

For the CFP, it seems we are now going to use single CFP system to
collect all papers of the joint conference.

Bob, SmallFish, Pofeng from COSCUP program committee:
Is it feasible to have only one CFP system? Are any other thing we
need to do for sharing the system with GASC?

If it's fine and ready to share the CFP system, we should translate
and integrate the CFP in our website[1].
Please prepare have the new CFP in Chinese, so we can publish it when
the new website is ready. Thanks.



在 2010年5月26日下午11:48,Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> 寫道:
> Hi Rex,
> Here is the "Call for papers" draft. I made one combined to use both
> COSCUP's version and GNOME.Asia call for paper version. Then we can send out
> this in mail list as well as on website.
> Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.
> BTW, the short version of PR looks good to me. You can publish it after edit
> the content on the page of submission.
> Thanks a lot,
> -Emily

Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, pofeng at gmail dot com

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