Re: [COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] PR for calling for papers

Hi Rex,

Here is the "Call for papers" draft. I made one combined to use both COSCUP's version and GNOME.Asia call for paper version. Then we can send out this in mail list as well as on website.

Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.

BTW, the short version of PR looks good to me. You can publish it after edit the content on the page of submission.

Thanks a lot,

在 2010年5月26日 下午6:50,Rex Tsai <rex cc tsai gmail com>写道:
Hi, Emily and Pockey

 The deadline of call for papers is 6/19, which is about 3 weeks from
now. We should push harder to get more speakers for the joint
conference, it's important to spread the CfP right now.

 In the last irc meeting, we discussed about putting the confirmed
speakers in the PR. But I think it will take too much time to confirm
attendance of speakers from both side. I suggested let's finalize the
short version story first, and we can submit the story to online media
like Linux Gazette or mailing lists of communities. We can still work
on the official PR for mass media later.

 Enclosed please find our latest version of story, please review and
feel free to revise it. We like to release the news by end of this

 BTW, if you have the CFP document, please send a copy to us. Then we
can help to translate it into Traditional Chinese, and send it to
local communities.


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