Re: About Lodging cost

Hi Ernest,

Thanks a lot for the detail information.
We would like to say with most of other speakers, so we choose SINICA.

I just search from
What's the rate for double room and single room if COSCUP team help us to booked for speakers ? Also, do you recommend 3 nights or 4 nights? (If we have one day trip after conference, plan 4 nights ?  )


2010/6/27 Ernest Chiang <dwchiang gmail com>
Hi Emily,

COSCUP team list a hotel information at (temporarily, we may move it into event website.)
You can find the hotel price and traffic fare as reference. We also reserved some rooms in SINICA (very near our event venue). I will check with COSCUP team if we can add 8 GNOME speakers in this SINICA accommodation list.

The lodging price in Taipei would be USD40~120. We list some lodging places in the wiki page which are having better location with public traffic. Also, there's some traffic information about: airport to Taipei, Taipei Metro and Taxi :)



On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
Hi Ernest Chiang,

GNOME foundation are thinking about provide lodging for GNOME speakers besides the travel assistance,  we need to know the cost first before make the decision.

Can coscup team help us to arrange the lodging place for GNOME speakers?  Where are the most coscup speakers stay, could you provide the link of the hotel?

Also, if we plan:  8 people * 3 nights, what is the cost like ?



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