Dear all,
Please find below the agenda of the upcoming GNOME.Asia meeting
tomorrow. See you!
Date: December 7 Tuesday
Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server
- Update on previous
weeks action items - 5 mins
- Feedback on the
three proposals from Hong Kong, Bali and Bangalore (Q&A) -
30 mins
- Confirm the date of
the GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 / GNOME 3.0 Hackfest (Before /
During / After the GNOME 3.0 launch) - 15 mins
- Discuss and confirm
objectives for the user survey : - 10 mins
Previous weeks outstanding action items:
- Bharath / Akhil to submit a final proposal to the committee
list on December 7 before the weekly meeting (1400 UTC)
- Will to update on Mario's response on social networks' groups
- Will to add more
GNOME.Asia pictures (from flickr) to the website, it
can be a component to stream pictures from flickr as an example
- Will to update on alternative themes of the site
- Bharath / Akhil / Utian to gather initial feedbacks from GNOME
users in Indonesia and India and then put those feedback on
- Pockey