Dear all,
Here are a few updates since last meeting.
1) both Amanda and Utian joined the GNOME-asia mailing list. Fred
initiated the project at gnome-asia list.
Let new developers know how easy it is to write applications using
Help GNOME attract new developers
Slides would be written by Amanda Lam and other helpers:
Some of the issues to be covered are:
- ease of development
- tools, IDEs
- cross-platform, portability
Amanda is asking for more helpers who has experience in PyGTK
programming. For those who has experience please subscribe to
gnome-asia-list gnome org to help on this project.
2) Both Hong Kong and Indonesian teams sent out new budgets (with
high / low budget estimation)
Both Hong Kong and Indonesian teams answered questions by emails
3) we are still waiting for the Indian team to submit proposal :)
On 12/01/2010 12:09 AM, Emily Chen wrote:
Date: November 30 Tuesday
Time: 1400 - 15:40 UTC (~1.5 hours)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server
1) proposal review from potential hosts (HK & Indonesia)*
2) Q&A
3) Opportunities to improve localization on the GNOME desktop
4) Opportunities to start a local GNOME user group
5) what the local country needs from GNOME (and the GNOME
Foundation) in order to attract more GNOME contributors and users
- Abharath
- Amanda
- Arif
- Emily
- Haggen
- Henrylaw
- mrkschan
- pockeyLam
- sakana
- sammyfung
- Fred Muller
- utian
- Brian Cameron
Meeting Notes:
1. Round table self-introduction
- Pockey Lam, from China, committee member since 2008, first year
of GNOME.Asia
- Arif, from indonesia, first timer in
- Emily Chen, work in Oracle China Solaris desktop team,
GNOME.Asia founder, now work in the GNOME foundation board
- kschan, hongkong, fresh graduate, not much experience with GNOME
but some hands-on pygtk with sugar on XO-laptop
- utian, indonesia, blankon linux community member
- Bharath Acharya, developer for Evolution and work for Novell out
of their Bangalore office
- sakana, from Taiwan, An Instructor who teach linux
- Fred, committee member since 2008, based in Beijing until
recently (april) and active member of the Beijing LUG. Been at the
3 GNOME.Asia summits, use GNOME but not a developer per se. Also
involved with SFI/SFD since 2008 its board.
- Haggen, Vice-President of Opensource Application Knowledge
Association, using GNOME right now in Ubuntu
- Amanda Lam, technical writer, developer of various Maemo apps,
member of Hong Kong MeeGo Network
- Henry, from hong kong. a foss user. also a olpc volunteer
2. Proposal review from potential hosts (HK & Indonesia) and
- HK: 40K(travel)+20K including a 10% misc.
- IND: 5K(Travel)+48K no misc , IND proposal has a lot more
details (and cost) on hardware equipement such as routers, ink
cartridges etc
- Suggest to plan more travel subsidy for IND team.
- Suggest to have Maxmum and Minimum budget plan
- Both HK and IND team will work on two budget: Maxmum and Minimum
budget. The due date is Dec 5, 2010.
- India has requested a extension due to the recent Novell
acquisition. Abharath will send proposal from Indian team. The due
date is Dec 5, 2010.
3. Opportunities to improve localization on the GNOME desktop
Feedback from the local team:
- Chinese fonts is a big weakness of the free desktop world (not
only GNOME)
- Haggen did some work on Traditional Chinese fonts
- We are gathering feedbacks and please put your feedbacks at
- Haggen will follow up regarding the fonts
- we are working on a user survey / questionnaires. We target to
finish the survey questions in December
4. Opportunities to start a local GNOME user group
- Invite Amanda and utian to join mail list :
- Discussed about the profile of a GNOME User Group member in
- Haggen mentioned the potential if the profile of GNOME is higher
in Hong Kong
- event like GNOME.Asia will really help to start a local GNOME
User group
- Some GNOME template for reference when create new slides :
- GNOME Ambassadors program:
5. What the local country needs from GNOME (and the GNOME
Foundation) in order to attract more GNOME contributors and users
- need to do more marketing locally, for example localize
marketing materials
- GNOME Store is a good idea
- GNOME trainning is needed and request by local community
- GNOME workshop is good
- identify someone to take on the lead first , and follow up
- Discuss is cross-platform development a possible selling point
- HK and IND team - work on the second version, two budgets:
Maxmum and Minimum budget. The due date is Dec 5, 2010.
- abharath - Send proposal from Indian team. The due date is Dec
5, 2010.
IRC log can be access from here:
asia-summit-list mailing list
asia-summit-list gnome org