Re: GNOME.Asia Summit and COSCUP joint meeting proposal

On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 23:21 +0800, Emily Chen wrote:
> Hi board, 
> GNOME.Asia is planning to organize the next GNOME.Asia Summit 2010 in
> Taiwan, co-host with COSCUP organzing team. Most of the gnome asia
> team members feel positive about this co-host conference based on
> their proposal and conversation with their lead.  
> Before we go to any further steps, we would like to send proposal to
> board members to review first. 
> Your feedback and suggestions?

Hi Emily,

Thanks for the comprehensive proposal.  I have some questions regarding
to the budget (page 11):

      * Do you have an estimation how much funds would it need to cover
        the GNOME.Asia Summit (GAS) specific costs?
      * How do you expect to raise funds to cover the GAS specific
      * Do you expect to bring to Taiwan those 4 potential speakers?

There were common sponsors for GNOME.Asia 2009 and COSCUP 2009, I guess
they would be shared.  Not a big deal given that the venue costs will be
shared, too.


Germán Póo-Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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