Re: Call for papers deadline for GNOME.Asia 2009

Thanks to Fred and Emily for your helpful responses! And good luck in your preparations for GNOME.Asia.

Please let me know (if you already know) whether you will have an open submissions policy. If you only host invited speakers, then please let me know what sorts of speakers you're seeking, so that I may suggest people from my firm who may suit your needs.

Sumana Harihareswara
Lead Project Manager
Collabora, Ltd.

Dear Sumana,

The summit location had to be switched to Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh city)
this year, and therefore will not be help in Pune. I guess we need to
update those 2 sites quickly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



On 08/17/2009 01:56 AM, Emily Chen wrote:
Hi Sumana,

Thanks for sending email to us.

We are still planning the GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 now, the deadline haven't been set. However, the city will not be in Pune since we are moving to Vietnam this year..

We will update wiki page and soon after we make all the preparation done.

Send us email to this list if you have any questions.


2009/8/14 Sumana Harihareswara <sumana harihareswara collabora co uk <mailto:sumana harihareswara collabora co uk>>

    Hello!  I'm hoping to get my colleagues to submit presentation/paper
    proposals to this year's GNOME.Asia in Pune.  Could you let me know
    the deadline and submission guidelines?  I looked within and
    <> and couldn't find them.

    Best wishes and thanks for planning the conference.

    Sumana Harihareswara
    Lead Project Manager
    Collabora, Ltd.

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