Re: Posters about "Call for Volunteers "


The poster looks nice.  I can't read it, though, since it is all in
Chinese.  If the intended audience is all people who can read Chinese,
then this seems appropriate.  However, if you also plan to provide it
to the GNOME community in general (perhaps via URL or as an email
attachment or whatever), then it might be useful to also have the
text translated into English.


Student Dalong Cheng from Beihang univeristy is helping us to call for volunteers. He designed a draft of poster. I would like to ask your feedback for his poster.

Hi Pockey,

Would you send the poster of SFD to Dalong and my gmail? To inspire a better idea for the poster of "call for participants" in the near future.

Thanks a lot for Dalong's great help and passion for our Summit!


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