Re: [anjuta-list] One more question about Anjuta


On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 11:15 PM, Igor Korot <ikorot01 gmail com> wrote:

Sorry, you probably missed this?

Could you reply, please? I can't find the way to create a group. Maybe
you meant something else?

Thank you.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 4:35 AM, Sébastien Granjoux <seb sfo free fr> wrote:

Le 08/03/2016 04:06, Igor Korot a écrit :

1. Did I create an .a target under proper branch - root?

You can create it where you want but you could have to edit the

2. Did I miss the step - you said "The easiest is to create the group and
the target for the library"?

Yes, I think so. I expect that you create a group (like src) named
dbinterface at the same level than src. Then create your target
libdbinterface.a inside this group.

How do I create a group? I see only "Add Library", "New Target" and
"New Folder"?
Or this is somewhere under one of those items?

Then, in the Makefile of dbhandler you should have a variable
'SUBDIRS = po src dbinterface' that you have to change to 'SUBIRS =
dbinterface po src' to build the library before.

3. If everything looks normal - how do I fix the warning from the

I think it's because the libdinterface.a target is define in
dbhandler/ while the files are in dbhandler/dbinterface.

OK, so I need to refactor the project and make it so that I have a group
with the target inside.

But I don't see a menu to create a group...

Thank you.

Best Regards,


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