Re: [Anjuta-list] Projects and Makefile

L.Isella wrote:


So far, I have not been able to create a working project with Anjuta (the IDE never finds its target).
I am simply opening the single files and giving the above make in the C++ settings.
However, how would I set up a proper project? And which one should I set up? Where should I copy the files?
As far as I can understand you are trying to build a non-gui project. So then you begin with a project wizzard and choose the simple/terminal project (or, may be, gtkmm project, if you plan some gui interface). Then you should fill fields with the project name and the TARGET name (the name of a future executable). Next you should choose which language you plan to use (c++), then whether you need gettext or not (I think, that not, it's a boresome thing and needs a lot of studying - I still know very little about it). And that is almost all! Your new project is ready. The source files are supposed to
be in a project_dir/src directory.
If you need a gui inteface then you need to make acquaintance with Glade (or, may be, Gideon).
   Good luck and happy New year!
      Igor Gorbounov

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