[Anjuta-list] Projects and Makefile

Dear All,
I have just started to use C++ and Anjuta on my Ubuntu machine (my only other experience with an IDE was Fortran on MS Visual Studio).
Specifically, I need it to twist to my needs some financial C++ routines (see http://finance.bi.no/~bernt/gcc_prog/recipes/recipes.zip) .
I have a "main" file run_all_examples.cc which needs compiling and linking to the librecipes.a library.
This file then calls examples contained in plenty of other files.
All of the files (and the library) can stay in the same folder.
The make command is given by:
g++ -O2 run_all_examples.cc -L. -lrecipes -o run_all_examples

then the command ./run_all_examples runs the executable.

So far, I have not been able to create a working project with Anjuta (the IDE never finds its target).
I am simply opening the single files and giving the above make in the C++ settings.
However, how would I set up a proper project? And which one should I set up? Where should I copy the files? 
Thanks a lot for your co-operations and a happy new year to everybody.


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