[Anjuta-list] Custom pixmaps


I'm developing my first serious app for GNOME using gtk and Glib. At this moment, the application works fine but I can set my custom icons. When I run the application, I get this problems:

** (lkmonitor:10713): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: lkmonitor/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png

** (lkmonitor:10713): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: lkmonitor/gnome-ccperiph.png

** (lkmonitor:10713): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: lkmonitor/gnome-ccperiph.png

I'm using Anjuta and Glade to develope this program. I've read a discussion thread between Naba Kumar and Miguel de Icaza but I didn't see the fix for this problem (actually I think this is a problem on libglade, but may be I'm wrong).

Can you help me?

I'm using Anjuta 1.2.2 with Glade 2.10.0


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