Re: [Anjuta-list] library dependencis

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 08:30, Curtis Magyar wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 18:01, Peter Gasper wrote:
> > I have a gtkmm application which is using the sigcx-0.6 library. I
> > cannot get Anjuta to find the library when compiling. I tried setting up
> > settings via Settings -> Compiler and Linker settings, but that didn't
> > work.
> How exactly did you attempt to configure it?  And what was the error?

I tried adding it to the includepaths/librarypaths/libraries tabs. The
errors where something along the lines of "sigcx/thread_tunnel.h not

> I just tried the from the examples directory of the
> libsigcx-0.6.4 tarball, and it compiled fine using the "Compiler Flags
> (CFLAGS)" set to :
> `pkg-config --cflags sigcx-0.6`

I think you mean in the others tab of the aforementioned dialog. I never
tried to do it that way, which I now realize would have worked because
it does from the command line.


Peter Gasper <pgasper designadvantage com>

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