Re: [Anjuta-list] anjuta 1.2.0

Naba Kumar wrote:

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 12:09, Igor Gorbounov wrote:
Yes, I agree we should get the release out very soon, but there are some
crash bugs and some minor malfunctioning of features which are the show

Perhaps, there is a way to produce something like anjuta-1.2.0-beta or prerelease package, compilable by common users (I, for example, don't
understand the CVS mechanics yet). So we (common users) could be
able to help somehow in testing.

You also have at your service. Grab the last
cvs-HEAD tarball from there and run "./ && make install".
Please make sure you have the autotools (like autoconf, automake,
autoheader, etc.) installed.

Hope that helps.
I've managed to compile and install this anjuta-1.2.0!!!
It works!!! Don't know why, but it doesn't launch the compiled program neither by pressing F3
nor by menu command.
Unfortunatly, it doesn't allow writing comments in Russian. I've edited the "" file (#LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.UTF-8 - this line i've inserted) and reloaded anjuta. But nevertheless, my Russian characters still look like "greek". May be, there's something else to be configured?
      Igor Gorbounov

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