Re: [Anjuta-list] Custom Proyect

This is pretty oft-asked and easy to do (one for the FAQ maybe ?)

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Create a directory.
2. Copy your existing files (if any) to this directory.
2(a) Optionally, you can use your existing directory as well.
3. Run File->Import Project.
4. When asked for the top directory, point to the directory created in
(1) or 2(a).
5. Your custom project is now created.
6. Use Project->Add Files to add/remove files from the project.
7. Enjoy your custom project.

1) Of course, you'll have top manage your Makefiles, etc. yourself.
2) You may have to run 'Rebuild Tags Image' to sync tagmanager sources
with your project sources.

Tips for power-users:
1) You can decide which files will be imported (based on file
extensions) by setting the following environment variables (maybe in
your .bashrc or .profile):
	a. AN_SKIP_DIRS: Directory names to skip when running the import
process. This defaults to "intl CVS" in 1.0.2/CVS
	b. AN_SOURCE_EXTN: Extensions to import as source files. This defaults
to "c C cpp cxx cc java" if not defined.
	c. AN_HEADER_EXTN: Extensions to import as header files. This defaults
to "h H hxx hpp hh"
	d. AN_PIXMAP_EXTN: Extensions to import as image files. This defaults
to "jpeg jpg png gif xpm bmp ico tiff"
	e. AN_DOC_EXTN: Extensions to treat as documentation files. This
defaults to "html sgml sgml README INSTALL ChangeLog NEWS COPYING
	f. AN_PO_EXTN: Extensions to treat as translation files. This defaults
to "po"
	g. AN_PO_DIR: Directory where translation files are expected (inside
the top project directory). This is defined as "po"
Hope this helps.

2) More adventurous users can modify the script
"$prefix/bin/" directly to suit their needs.

Features in CVS:

If you are using CVS or 1.0.2 (not yet released but close), you have
access to the following extra features:

1) You can define the above variables in $HOME/.anjuta/anjutarc
2) You can customize the above variables on a per-project basis. To do
this, create a file with the above variables defined and name it
'anjutarc'. Then, move this file to the top level ditrectory of the
project you want to import.


Say, you have a web development project and you want to import this into
anjuta. You can then add these lines to <Project Dir>/anjutarc file:
export AN_SOURCE_EXTN="js htm html jsp php css"
export AN_HEADER_EXTN="inc"

Hope this helps. I'll try and put it in the FAQ before 1.0.2 release.



> Hi everyone... I spend like a year looking for the ultimate code editor
> and now i found it :), Anjuta has everything i dream and even more... of
> course.
> The only thing i would like to add, is the posibility to have a "custom
> project" no build files... no nothing :) just a single file conaining
> the files involved.
> I know i can open files not involved in a proyect, but the "proyect
> window" (proyect, symbols and file tabs) is something you cant miss off
> Anyway i will try do add this feature myself at some point, but learn
> about anjuta structure will take me lot of time, to do something that
> can be done in a couple of days... isn't it :)
> thanks
> Juan Pablo
> PS: Maybe there is a way to do what i want but i did not realize it...
> need to read more docs :)
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