Re: [Anjuta-list] Anjuta CVS and libs

On 2002.07.31 06:30 Naba Kumar wrote:
Just to inform, CVS head is broken since yesterday.
OK, so for 1.0 development we should now be using the 
ANJUTA_1_0_0 branch, right? Was that where Biswa's patch was 
committed earlier this week? Have the CVS nightly tarball 
scripts been updated to checkout the 1.0 branch? Is *everything* 
needed for 1.0 currently committed onto the stable branch with 
all new development on HEAD?
*sigh* it's my fault, again, for not getting the release done 
earlier, but this hasn't helped :-( 
Andy Piper - Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
andy piper freeuk com

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