RE: [Anjuta-list] Changing anjuta properties (

Well, thank you,

The part about the did not work. It is the same with
I tried it with both names and it doesn't work. (I work with 1.8 and the says to rename it to

I'd appreciate it if you can check that out.

The part about the directories - IT WORKED !!!! Thank you, yet again.

The directories is a very important feature. As I explained before this is a
very large project, currently 20 developers, and we HAVE to have directories
in the project. It is a shame that you can't enter them in the project
window as source files. It would have made the difference!

Also, one more thing, sometimes I try to import a source file to the project
and it complains about the file not being a regular file (a message with all
sort of unrecognized chars). If you try enough times it will eventually
import it. t is especially annoying when you import more than one file. Did
you encounter it?

Anyway, thanks again for the help so far,


-----Original Message-----
From: Naba Kumar [mailto:kh_naba yahoo com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 14:30 PM
To: Biswapesh Chattopadhyay
Cc: Levi, Segev; 'anjuta-list lists sourceforge net'
Subject: Re: [Anjuta-list] Changing anjuta properties (

On Wed, 2002-01-09 at 15:59, Biswapesh Chattopadhyay wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-01-09 at 12:22, Levi, Segev wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I wanted to change the configuration of anjuta. So, as instructed, I
> > "/usr/shar/anjuta/" to ~/.anjuta/".
> I don't think it works that way. Depending on what you want to change,
> you'll have to edit one of these files directly:
> /usr/share/anjuta/
> /usr/share/anjuta/
> ~/.anjuta/

He was right. one can copy into ~/.anjuta/ dir as

But the thing is I changed that to somewhere in the past
and I am not sure if it was before of after 0.1.8

You can try renaming the file to rather than

I believe in cvs it detects

> (I may be wrong - please correct me if so)
> > 
> > I edited the file but it had no influence on my anjuta
> > course it was started after the changes).
> > 
> > What am I missing?
> > 
> > Also, I'd be happy to understand how to add a directory to my project.
> > Do I have to write only the, add the module to the anjuta
> > the automake will take care of creating the Makefile for this module as
> > well?
> > 
> > If so, how do I add the module? what do I write in the "Add Module"
dialog ?
> Currently, Anjuta is not very good at handling multi-directory projects.
> I think the best way is for you to disable management by
> Anjuta and modify the files directly. Basically, to add a
> directory:
> 1) Create the directory.
> 2) Add the name of the directory to the SUBDIRS variable in the
> of the parent directory.
> 3) Create a for the directory.
> 4) Add the name of the directory to teh AC_OUTPUT macro of your
> 5) Run
> Check anjuta's source code if you're confused about how this is done.

If your idea is just to add modules in your project, then you can still
do it in a better way. Create the module (dir) in the project dir and
just give the name of that module in Project configuration->modules.
Depending on whether you want it to build before the src module or after
it, you will have to put it in either of the given entry boxes. For
libraries, put them in the before entry box etc.

Once it is done save your project and get into your new module's dir and
create a new (copy if from somewhere as a template to work
with), save the project and run Build->autogen. That's it.

Also, note that you don't have to disable the Makefile generation for
this to work.

> Rgds,
> Biswa.
> > 
> > thanks in advance for your help,
> > 
> > 	Segev.
> > 
> > 
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