Re: [Anjuta-list] Using Japanese

> Is anyone here using Japanese? I've upgraded to anjuta.1.0.1 RH8 RPM,
> and also installed the English docs and the i18n RPMs, but I have two
> problems:
>     1. When I paste in Japanese it appears as european characters. I've
> selected a font (Lucida Typewriter) that says it is 2-byte.

Looks like a Scintilla problem.

>     2. I can start the IME but:
>       a) The input box is hidden under the tabs at the top of the edit
> window;
>       b) when I press return no text appears in the file I'm editing.

Are you able to use IME in standalone SciTE ?

> I have LC_CTYPE=ja_JP, LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and LC_ALL undefined which works
> fine for Japanese input and reading in mozilla and gedit.

GEdit of GNOME1 or GNOME2 ?

> If I set LANG and LC_ALL both to ja_JP I get menus in Japanese (which I
> don't want!) but the above two problems are unchanged.

Any i18n extert here ? I must confess I have no idea about these issues


> Darren
> P.S. this isn't an upgrade problem - it didn't work in 1.0 either.
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