[Anjuta-list] Find in files bug?

Hi all,

  I'm new on this MLand I have some question to do.

- In the "Find in files" option it is used a "-r" parameter in the command "grep", but on my RH 7.0 there isn't such option, so I have corrected it to don't have a syntax error: the file is "find_in_files.c" and the function that calls "grep" is "find_in_files_process".

If the first can be a little bug the following are request of feature.

- In the "Find in files" option, I think should be useful if the list of files in whitch search should be saved in the project file, to don't set every time a new list.

- In the "Import files" option, should be useful to allow a multiple selection of the files, to don't repeat the operation each time for each file.

- When I import a file, the "class view" don't update itself to add a new class or struct, but do it only in the loading of the project.

  Thank you. bye-bye

P.S.: I hope you won't think at me as a balls breaker :-)

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