[anjuta-devel] Deprecation of stock items

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I am currently going through gtkpod, refactoring uses of stock items in light of their
deprecation. Since gtkpod utilises the anjuta windowing system I noticed that the
anjuta_shell_add_widget function is affected by this deprecation.

Since the function goes down to the gdl library for actually setting the stock-id property, are
there any anjuta plans for changing this API or the underlying behaviour? Reason, for asking is I
cannot remove my stock id icon registration functions since they are needed for this anjuta function.

Note. this applies to version 3.10 of Gtk / Anjuta / Gdl, although I don't see any changes to the
API in Anjuta's master branch.

Any insight greatly appreciated.



- -- 
Paul Richardson

  * p g richardson phantomjinx co uk
  * p g richardson redhat com
  * pgrichardson linux com

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