Re: [anjuta-devel] OPW : Requesting to be mentee for Anjuta

Hi Rashi,

Le 29/10/2013 13:45, Rashi Aswani a écrit :
I am interested in participating in Outreach Program for Women.
I was going through all the projects listed and the idea of developing a
Integrated Development Environment for Programming Languages excited me
the most, hence I wanted to go with project Anjuta .

Good, thank for your interest.

If you can provide me more details about what was the motivation behind
Anjuta , what is it's current state and future directions that you have
thought about, it would be great.

The goal of Anjuta is to make programming easier, especially for newcomers. We have tried to use commonly used tools so you don't need to use only Anjuta.

I think Anjuta is currently quite usable but there are always room for improvements. There is no well defined plan though, the direction is mainly defined by people writing some code, but there are some ideas here:

One of the first step is to make a small contribution. You can get anjuta from git and compile it from source. If you have any issues, ask for help on this mailing list or on the irc channel #anjuta on Then, check the open bug list here:
and try to fix one of them. Again, do not hesitate to ask questions when needed.



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