Re: [anjuta-devel] Code assistance plugin

Hi Massimo,

Le 30/04/2012 18:57, Massimo Cora' a écrit :
I've attached a pdf with a schema of the (new) architecture as I see
it. Suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your proposal.

You have drawn GUI GtkView symbols and Ctags in a different box than
symbol-db plugin. Do you means that they could be in different plugins
or all the code stay in the symbol-db plugin?

I would like by example to display a function call graph. Is it possible
to get all necessary informations (which functions are called in each
function) from the symbol-db plugin. If yes could I do it outside or
should it be done inside the symbol-db plugin?

Then, isn't it possible to use the CLang parser to replace ctags for the
symbol-db plugin?

In the opposite way, isn't it possible to keep using ctags for auto
completion if clang is not installed?



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