[anjuta-devel] Code assistance plugin

Hi all,

There are some work planned to use clang to improve code assistance in Anjuta. There is a gedit plugin written in Vala which is already doing it. But it's not clear for me what has to be done and how to do it.

1. The gedit plugin is written in Vala. Do we plan to add Vala code in Anjuta or do we have to rewrite it in C?

2. This is a gedit plugin, it cannot be loaded in Anjuta. Do you think it's better to rewrite it or check if we can load gedit plugin?

3. After a quick look at the code I think the plugin is already split in 3 libraries:
* libgcp is the common part, including the GUI working with GEdit.
* libgcpbackendc is the C backend using clang. It is a GEdit plugin and depends on libgcp too. * gcpbackendpython is the python backend. It is a GEdit plugin and depends on libgcp too.
How do we plan to remove the dependency with GEdit?

4. Which features do we plan to add?
* Auto completion.
* List symbols
* Searching symbols
* Renaming symbols
* Parameter reordering.
* Background compiling and reporting errors while editing the file.
* Display call graph
* Static analysis

5. Several features (auto completion (in C and python), symbol list) already exist in Anjuta. Do we keep them or is it planned to replace them?

6. Comparing to anjuta-tags for C, I think clang is much better but anjuta-tags works for much more languages. Moreover an important part of the symbol-db plugin is the database management which is not existing in the gedit plugin. I would prefer to keep it. Is it planned?



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