Re: [anjuta-devel] New release of anjuta-extras

On Fri, 2011-06-03 at 22:06 +0200, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:
If I disable them in the configure, I get error in the translation file. 
I have remove the reference here, but I'm a bit annoyed to discard 
translations. Is there a better way allowing to make a package without 
removing the translations?
While I can understand your trepidation about removing otherwise
perfectly good translations, I'll propose that we merge the gtk3 branch
to master and remove the disabled plugins from the master tree
altogether, but keep them alive in a separate branch for historical
purposes so that we can refer back to that code later. 

The plugins that are currently disabled are either not used at all
(indent) or are in such bad shape they don't really work anyway
(profiler, and at least AFAIK, valgrind.) Eventually someone will
probably resurrect thees things in some form, but I'm guessing if and
when that happens, the new plugins will probably end up in Anjuta
proper, so they'll disappear from anjuta-extras anyway. 

Since we're making a new major version release of anjuta-extras, now is
as good a time as any to kill of all of the old/non-working stuff in


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