Re: [anjuta-devel] Dconf and GSettings


The preferences are now defined by files and not by special names in .ui file. I think it's really better.

In addition, I plan to change all settings adding a intermediate plugins level and removing the redundant prefix from key name as it looks more consistent with other programs.

By example org.gnome.anjuta.document-manager/docman-autosave-timer will be changed to org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.document-manager/autosave-timer.

I prefer to do it plugin by plugin, checking that nothing is broken by the change. But it means that the changes will be spread on a longer time. I have already committed those changes for the run and the debug-manager plugin. I will prefer to not be alone to do these changes, especially for complex plugins which are difficult to check.

As the key names will change, this breaks user settings but I think it's acceptable.



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