[anjuta-devel] Overriding GObject properties


I'm trying to write a widget which is a basic text editor able to edit huge amount of data.

I have created a class derived from GtkTextView which has its own GtkAdjustment for moving in the complete data. Only a small part of the data is loaded in the GtkTextView widget and this part is changing according to the position in the GtkAdjustment object.

I have overridden in my object the vadjustment property to set my own GtkAdjustment object which has a much bigger range. But then how could I set the vadjustment property of the GtkTextView object?

I cannot use g_object_set_property because I have overridden the property.
I have tried to use g_param_spec_get_redirect_target to get the original GParamSpec but then I don't know how to use this to set the GtkAdjustment in the GtkTextView object.



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