[anjuta-devel] autoconf issue, maybe better to create new project backend for AVR plugins (based on a standard makefile)?

Hi all,

Now the configure dialog finally works, there's another issue, this time with the configure.ac script and/or the Makefile.am. But when I run ./configure, in Anjuta or in terminal, the CFLAGS in the resulting Makefile won't change, when I run ./configure the following way:

./configure CFLAGS='--mmcu=atmega168 -O1'

Source code of the configure.ac and Makefiles.am can be found here:

Any idea what that could be?

By the way, I'm starting to think that using autotools for avr-gcc isn't really the right option. In the future I also want to add AVR Assembly support, and I think it won't be easy to use autotools for that, and I've been thinking for some alternative.

On the internet, there's a nice Makefile template [1] which makes compiling and programming an AVR program quite easy. You enter some variables at the top (MCU type, optimalization level, and some more), and then you're ready. run make in the directory and it directly compiles all given source files, whether it's an assembly or a C file.

I thought of copying the makefile project backend, make it a new plugin, modify it a bit so it only shows 2 targets (C sources, Assembly sources), create a nice project properties window where you can enter MCU type, CPU frequency, etc, and I think the overall user experience will be a lot better, in comparison with hacking all sorts of configuration things in existing dialogs.

Any suggestions/feedback?


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