Re: [anjuta-devel] 2.32 is released - what's next!

Hi Johannes,

Le 28/09/2010 10:03, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
First, thank you for all your work you put into that release. I think it
is the best release we ever did and the project is constantly improving.

Thanks for your work too.

* This cycle we should finally be able to merge the new project-manager
which should give a much smoother experience hopefully. Sébastien has
already worked on that for quite some time.

Currently, I'm fixing the write of targets in autotools project. It's almost the same code for source and groups so it's should be easy. Then, the write of properties, module and package is still not working. I think it can be merged in master in one or two months.

* The whole search plugin definitly needs a refresh/rewrite (volunteers???)
* There were a lot of infrastructure improvements in symbol-db that we
need to benefit more now with autocompletion and pkg-config management
* Tutorial documentation is badly needed and will hopefully be done during
the hackfest in december.
* For 3.0 we might need to update the project templates a lot
* Some improvements in the glade integration need to be done

I can add to this

* Code refactoring or at least just allowing to rename a variable or a function in the whole project * Save the the window organization in GDL (



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