[anjuta-devel] Building anjuta


Find a .jhbuildrc file attached that works for you. I also updated the
moduleset in git so that it *should* build anjuta correctly.

You will have to edit that file a bit to adjust some path and probably
add you git account.

Short jhbuild instructions:

* Build anjuta (whole stack, will rebuild everything)
# jhbuild build anjuta

* Build only anjuta module (should only be necessary if you need to run
autogen.sh, otherwise you can just build anjuta as you did before)
# jhbuild buildone anjuta

* Build some parts of the stack
# jhbuild build --start-at=<module to start with> anjuta

* Running anjuta
jhbuild run anjuta

* Starting a shell in jhbuild environment
jhbuild shell

I will try to update the website build instructions soon!


Attachment: anjuta.jhbuildrc
Description: Text document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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