Re: [anjuta-devel] Building anjuta

Hi Johannes,

Le 07/11/2010 23:43, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
Find a .jhbuildrc file attached that works for you. I also updated the
moduleset in git so that it *should* build anjuta correctly.

Thanks for these informations, it's becoming really needed.

I haven't tried to build the latest version of the master branch (I'm still at the ANJUTA_BEFORE_GTK_3_0 tag). I think I will try to build it without jhbuild as I'm already using a custom version of gtk 2, it's shouldn't too difficult.

Then, do you think it's useful to write a jhbuild plugin for Anjuta ?
There is already a scratchbox plugin, so writing a jhbuild plugin shouldn't be very difficult. On the other hand using jhbuild from the command line is not that difficult and I hope it will not be needed anymore in the next development cycle.



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