Re: [anjuta-devel] RFC: Symbol-db future


On 12/12/2010 02:16 PM, Johannes Schmid wrote:

On 12/10/2010 04:14 PM, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:
Then, is the symbol db plugin interested by knowing the packages ?

I think it could be easier to send it directly all the header files
without splitting them in packages. One thing that is interesting though
is to tell to the project manager which header files are associated with
which source files. By example having

the packages' names are required to reduce the files scanned when an
user opens a project with a subset of the whole global packages saved.
If you put everything a default package then you would soon have
scalability problems.

I don't see your point here. The symbol-db just has to check if the needed
file is in the symbol-db already or not. If not, it is scanned, if it was
already there, nothing is done.

In Anjuta 2.32 there was a problem with global packages and dependencies: the gtk+ package for instance had more than a dependence package, so that even gdk/atk/etc headers files fell under 'gtk+' package, voiding the atk/gdk ones.
package gtk+ [header1, gtk_header2, gtk_header3, ..., atk_header1, .... gdk_header1...]

That could be fixed using the --print-requires and similar flags to pkg-config. This hasn't been implemented yet, but if we did we would have something like:
package gtk+ [gtk_header1, gtk_header2, gtk_header3, ...]
package atk [atk_header1, atk_header2, atk_header3, ...]
package gdk [gdk_header1, gdk_header2, gdk_header3, ...]

By using this schema we can have easier queries filtering the packages [and then their headers] directly in the sql.

Putting everything in a default package like:

package default [gtk_header1, gtk_header2, gtk_header3, ..., atk_header1, atk_header2, atk_header3, ..., gdk_header1, gdk_header2, gdk_header3, ...]

no more quick filtering is performed and a manual passing of headers as parameters would be required, slowing the process. More: an user can have a project with no gtk/glib libraries at all, but using default package would check for all headers in the global db.

Then yes, we can have both the packages filtering [that are loaded at project loading time] and the special single-file-header filtering [detected by the #include parameter].


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