Re: Button6 breaking all bindings

la 22.06.2008 23:15 Timo Korvola skribis:
Daniel Pfeiffer <occitan t-online de> writes:
Going back to group1, both keys work again.  I used the
customization dialog to see: in group1 for example I get the expected
H-F4, in group2 that becomes H-Button6-F4 and so on for all keys.

Support for more than five mouse buttons in Sawfish is broken
I do not have such a mouse, just two buttons and a wheel, which produces 2, 4 & 5!  The shopping key on my logitech keyboard surprisingly produces a mouse8 event, but I don't use it.
and apparently interferes with multi-layout xkb configurations.  See
and subsequent discussion.
This doesn't really say much, but here too the reason might also be a bogus mouse6 modifier as I am seeing it.  Maybe my discussion in sheds some light as to AltGr not working in a standard multi-group setup.
Sawfish needs to be fixed to support extra mouse buttons without
messing with the modifier state (buttons after 5 do not have modifier
bits, Sawfish just pretends they do).
If group locking is represented as a modifier bit which coincides with the one used to represent mouse6, that would seem to be the cause.  But that would make sawfish useless to all users of multi-keyboard setups (physically or only logically mapped on the same one) so there should be tons of complaints, or don't you have users from far eastern and south eastern Europe?
coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

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