Re: Release questions...

<quote who="Luis Villa">

> > - pkgconfig is part of bootstrap in jhbuild, yet we have it in the
> > platform release.  That seems odd to me.  Should it?  (I.e. it seems
> > like we should remove it and call it an external dependency, or else
> > add it to jhbuild's gnome-2.12.modules file, or something)
> Yeah, I agree it should be an external dep- doesn't make sense for it
> to be in the release. Should be in the hypothetical fd.o release, at
> any rate ;)

We agreed to keep these things (which were proposed for, and have been
listed in the Developer Platform for many releases now) in the platform
until we could point to a platform release instead. We still
can't do that, so they should stay.

> > I have a python script that takes the current jhbuild gnome release
> > moduleset (i.e. gnome-2.12.modules for now) and automatically creates a
> > tarball version of that moduleset including dependencies (i.e.
> > gnome-2.11.91.modules and freedesktop-2.11.91.modules) and a versions
> > file (for use with the release scripts) by doing lots of searching on
> > the web for the latest tarball releases of all the relevant modules.
> Urk. Shouldn't you be able to walk the ftp server for that, instead of
> searching the web?

(You can also do parts of it by grepping your ftp-release-list mails.)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th    
     "I think his crackpipe is mixed with helium or something." - Colin
                           Walters on Hans Reiser

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