Re: SimpleList test fails with beta 0.92

Ross McFarland wrote:
you shouldn't need to uninstall the old versions of gtk2-perl-xs when
building and installing new versions, but it really shouldn't hurt.

I didn't think about this... With the first release of gtk2-perl-xs,
I've switched over, and didn't see any problems, so I assumed the old
stuff can lie around.

if there's nothing using the old inline stuff then it should be
perfectly safe to remove it (talk about obvious statements, but correct
nonetheless) basically if you're on a version of mandrake that uses the
old inline version for it's installer and tools then don't uninstall,
you're best off using locally installed copies in non-system
directories, or at least ones that aren't in the default paths for perl

I'm not using Mandrake, but LFS (Linux From Scratch). I have the old
Inline stuff installed because I've started developing my application
in the early days, when there was no XS around.

there's a make uninstall target created in Makefile by perl Makefile.PL
if you still have the src laying around, but i've never had success with

I didn't, but I've downloaded it again from sourceforge. It didn't
work for me either...

if you use simplelist it probably won't work. my real question is if you
are really using gtk2-perl-xs. that sounds stupid, but it would take
non-trivial code to tell the difference. (sorry if you've already
checked this out, but) try the following (hitting control-d not typing
it) and see what version number prints.

$ perl
use Gtk2;
print $Gtk2::VERSION."\n";

That's right, same results on my system. I've never thought about not
running the gtk2-perl-xs, especially because when I installed the
first XS version (0,20?), I had to change a bit my code.

examples/ should use it, but if the test doesn't work it's
very unlikely that that script will as it's almost the same code.

It didn't work, which proves your point.

muppet wrote:
i, too, am confused as to how perl managed to find the Inline stuff 
during make test but not at any other point.  where are you installing 
gtk2-perl-xs?  in other words, are you using a PREFIX to Makefile.PL or 
are you just installing to the default places?

Yes, I do use PREFIX=/usr. I'm not sure what's the default target
(/usr/local?), but I've used this prefix since months ago (with Inline

if you have no further need for the old stuff, then it's just taking up 
space (quite a bit -- over 200 small pm files), so i would say try 'rm 
-rf' on the Gtk2 directory in your perl libs.  also make sure you get 
rid of all occurrences of under your perl libs to ensure there 
are no stale libs lying around.  then do a fresh install.

I've done that, and as result, all tests pass (including SimpleList)!
So it was a matter of picking up the old Inline version. Puzzling why
it only did it for SimpleList, and everything else worked just fine!

I think it would be a good idea to have something in the README about
the possible Inline/XS conflicts. Probably most of the users would pick
up XS from the beginning, but there might be people like me hiding
around :)

On my Solaris machine, I use to have problems with (grep 
failed, only
a matter of quotes), but that was fixed by muppet a few releses ago 

you should've mentioned, i would've fixed it sooner!

Maybe I should have, but it was really easy to fix!

I didn't say this before, but I really appreciate what you're doing
with the Perl bindings. I've followed the development since the early
days, and it's being better and better all the time!

Thanks again,

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