Re: SimpleList test fails with beta 0.92

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 09:14  PM, Tudor Vinereanu wrote:

Ross McFarland wrote:
my other question would be if the old stuff is still laying around on
the system. by old stuff i either mean older versions of gtk2-perl-xs or
gtk2-perl. there are no,, modules in
gtk2-perl-xs, i guess there must be in gtk2-perl

there's a separate pm for each object in the old stuff. the is the dead giveaway --- every pm routed through when doing an inline build (and through when installed) so all the Inline magic and chicanery was confined to one spot.

why it would be looking
for it at that point i don't know. the two won't co-exist with out
taking special care.

The answer is yes: I didn't uninstall the Inline stuff, and I didn't uninstall the previous versions of gtk2-perl-xs... Is there a safe way to uninstall them?
And is it the right way, uninstalling them before a new version is out?

i, too, am confused as to how perl managed to find the Inline stuff during make test but not at any other point. where are you installing gtk2-perl-xs? in other words, are you using a PREFIX to Makefile.PL or are you just installing to the default places?

if you have no further need for the old stuff, then it's just taking up space (quite a bit -- over 200 small pm files), so i would say try 'rm -rf' on the Gtk2 directory in your perl libs. also make sure you get rid of all occurrences of under your perl libs to ensure there are no stale libs lying around. then do a fresh install.

I've been using Gtk2-Perl for a few months now, without any problems due to Inline
and XS coexisting, so I didn't think that was a problem.

i am amazed by this.  :-)

If you point me out to an example I should run to verify SimpleList works fine,
I'll try it.

Gtk2/examples/ has some cool tricks. if you have not yet run 'make install', you can do this:

    perl -I ./blib/lib -I ./blib/arch examples/

from the Gtk2 directory.

we really need to put something in the README/INSTALL files about going
from the inline version to the new stuff. we also need to mention the
issues, whatever they may be, about installing it on mandrake systems.
i'd put it all in myself, but i don't know the exact issues and what to
say about them.

nor do i.  thierry, ggc, you guys still listening?

On my Solaris machine, I use to have problems with (grep failed, only a matter of quotes), but that was fixed by muppet a few releses ago (thanks!).

you should've mentioned, i would've fixed it sooner!

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