Re: Planing to migrate from Tomboy to Gnote

Thank you Aurimas!

(1) On the read-only-state of notes.

My first idea was, that every note that you open is read-only and you
have to turn it off before being able to edit it.  In gnote: if you
open a yet "non active" note (a note not filed in the 'active'
notebook) it is read-only.

With your hint I learned that the gnote plugin persists the read-only
state in the note file.  After taking a look at a read-only note I
found that line.  I tried adding the line using sed to all my notes,
however (since gnote has not touched them yet?) it does not work.  So
it looks like I have to do it manually whenever I open an existing

(2) On the "search all notes shortcut"

It would be cool to have keyboard shortcut that either opens or takes
me to a main window letting me type a search phrase.  I'll give a
closer look to the "search shortcut" patch on the GIT repo.


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