Re: I hate the slogan "computing made easy"

On Tue, Jun 20, 2000 at 12:15:00PM -0500, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Just wanted to register my reaction to the slogan on the new gnome
> homepage.  That slogan, as far as I know, only suits Macintosh, and
> maybe not even them.  There is such a long way to go before it is easy,
> it is misleading.  If you are to be accurate, you could say "computing
> that may someday be easy if somebody else sets up a system for you." 

I couldn't agree more.

*Let's think of something better*

I remember listening to an mp3 a while ago of Alan Cox doing a talk on
Linux somewhere. The bit that stuck in my head was him saying that as
free software has no marketing department we don't need to lie and
pretend that our software is better than it really is.

Obviously we want to promote GNOME, but there really is no point in
lying by saying that it makes "computing" easy.

"GNOME, makes GNU easy"

(o_   | Toby Jaffey :
//\   | "Calm down Paul. It's only ones and zeros."                          
V_/_  |                                                                      

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