Re: [Evolution] Evolution Editor needs serious attention

Personally I find Evo's built-in search perfectly
adequate, though I keep the entire list in an IMAP folder and never
delete anything, which might not suit everyone.
So I'm not the only one to do that :-)  17 years of Evolution list
messages ...

Nope, and that's sorta the point.  I have 'private' archives of lists
stretching back years - it is far more effective than searching-the-
internet [which brings in all manner of noise, duplicates, questions
with no solutions].

Yes of course. How silly of me. I should have subscribed to the list some 15 or 17 years ago, because you 
know, I might need some solution now. Err... please excuse my sarcasm. What you wrote might work for you if 
you provide the solutions to those who seek help. For people like me there is again no other way than to ask. 
You know, you kinda brought over my point even better than I could, in two ways:

1. Google did NOT bring up the solution for my current question, only an outdated way. I don't remember what 
I searched for, though, I am quite sure it did not contain "debug" but something like "evolution stuck on 
fetching pop3 mail" or so.
2. A public archive - like a forum, or in this case, the list archive - can be searched for solutions by each 

One question I totally cannot answer for myself easily is, tho: Why do I find a forum way more attractive, 
more helpful, better browseable? One point might be if a list archive can only be accessed via the standard 
tree view (aka clickathon), while you simply scroll your way through a forum. Another is the retro charm of 
said view. Probably there is more to it. Maybe also the fact that I used mailing lists some n years ago where 
n>10 and at some point I (or the internet around me?) "evolved" into forums? Just my 0.02€

Funny where this discussion turned, no?

EDIT: I just stumbled over:

which is totally neat (it's my own issue even). <3 !!!

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