Re: [Evolution] Evolution Editor needs serious attention

Hi vstokes,

On Tue, 2020-08-18 at 11:27 +0000, Van Stokes, Jr. wrote:
Ubuntu Version: 20.04.01 x64
Evolution Version: 3.36.4-0ubuntu1

Evolution Team,

I have been using Evolution for 10+ years on Ubuntu. I use it with
The weekeast thing about Evolution is it's editor. It's a disaster.
It needs serious attention.

This email is a disaster. Its bullet points lack clear lists of steps
to reproduce each issue which would allow someone to reproduce each
issue. Please dedicate some time to write reproducible bug reports in by following

(Do you like my tone? I do not, so less drama and exaggeration would be
welcome. What's left on the escalation scale after "disaster" and
catastrophy? A nuclear explosion? A meteor strike?)

More constructively: Evolution 3.38 will have an updated composer
backend. You might want to check that version to be released next
month, but no idea when or how your distribution might ship it. Will
likely require an upgrade but that's a question for you distribution.


Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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