Re: [Evolution] Error while fetching mail

On Mon, 2012-06-11 at 20:26 -0700, Per Magne Knutsen wrote:
I recently upgraded to Evolution 3.2.3 from Evolution 2.x following an
upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04. In the previous version, when I pressed Send
or Ctrl+Enter the Compose Message would neatly close and the message
send in the background.

Now, the Compose window remains open with a "Sending message" header.

This is inconvenient when composing and sending many messages.

Is there a way to still make Evolution close the Compose window and
send the message in the background?

In my youth, when I started using mailing lists and news groups and
bulletin boards it was beaten into me by various list residents to (a)
use correct subject lines and (b) search list archives to see if my
question had been answered before.

See the thread from a couple of weeks ago starting at:

and more specifically the answer from Matthew Barnes at:

I don't really see what is inconvenient about having the composer window
open while the mail is sending - it's not as if it blocks anything and
it doesn't stop you from composing any other mails.  It's just another
window open in the background.  Since it seems to be only Ubuntu users
grouching about it, perhaps there's some design "feature" in Unity or
whatever that makes the presence of the window much more of an
inconvenience - and if so, then that's an Ubuntu issue, not an Evolution

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