Re: [Evolution] Setting the "from address" in evolution?

yeah. Jason got what I want to do.  I want to click and type-edit the
from address shud i choose to. The tweaked email is a valid one and
hence it shud not be a problem with the outgoing email server.

Ofcourse   if spammers understand my trick and if they start parsing
email  addresses and if they reduce sudhakar+evolution cs   to
sudhakar cs    my approach is doomed.

are there some nonce-based spam filters?    i give a nonce to you.   
your message passes thru my spam filter only if you have the nonce or
solve some hard problem. ideas?

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 10:20, Brad Warkentin wrote:
Jason A Miller wrote:

My apologies. I didn't mean to sound quite that confrontational there.
What I was merely trying to point out is that, if there were a way to
simply click a text dialog and type in a From: address, it would be very
easy to make one's self look like anybody (president whitehouse gov,
billg microsoft com, etc.).

Which, as others have pointed out is _trivial_ to do. Unless your mail
server has implemented extra rules defining/verifying/controlling email
address (ie lots of sites will not send mail with tweaked headers that
are not valid user email addresses), you can hack them to your hearts
content. As long as they are syntactically valid the mailer will happily
send them. The only issue is how easy is it to do so inside of

For the different address for different lists problem the easy to
implement but annoying to use approach is to define a bunch of addresses
and manually change the from line, the harder to implement but easy to
use way would be to write a header tweaker. I would configure it to send
my mail through a Perl filter that tweaks based on destination for the
mailing list problem (but I tend to see Perl as my hammer for most
problems... :-)

Sudhakar Govindavajhala                   Department of Computer Science
Graduate Student,                         Princeton University
Ph : (c) +1 609 273 8407                  (o) +1 609 258 1763
                                              +1 609 258 1798

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