Re: [Evolution] Setting the "from address" in evolution?

My apologies. I didn't mean to sound quite that confrontational there.
What I was merely trying to point out is that, if there were a way to
simply click a text dialog and type in a From: address, it would be very
easy to make one's self look like anybody (president whitehouse gov,
billg microsoft com, etc.).

Unless I misunderstood (which I probably did), this is what sudhakar was
asking to be able to do.

--- J A Miller (Linuxdevr)
jmiller gootnee com

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 12:05 +0100, Jamie L. Penman-Smithson wrote:

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 04:52, Jason A Miller wrote:
I don't know about anyone else on this list, but to me that would be an
extraordinarily dangerous ability for a mail client to have.

Throwing about hysterical comments such as this, is not particularly
helpful. You can *already* change your email address to whatever you
want, you can pretend to be the Prime Minister of Mongolia, such is the
nature of the SMTP protocol. You can even do this (*shock* *horror*) in
Evolution already - change your From address to whatever you please.

As a mail server administrator, I would most certainly find the person who was
forging hundreds of emails at a time and virtually castrate them. ;->

The issue is not "extraordinarily dangerous" abilities in a mail client
- if you're worried about that, please don't run a mail server, let
alone a mail client.

Even for "research", this is a bad idea all around.

Why, exactly? It's common practise to use different addresses for
different purposes with the aim of knowing who is doing what with your
email address.

Making it slightly easier to change the address your mail comes from
'on-the-fly' is not going to open the flood gates to forged emails,
despite what you may think, there are far easier ways of doing that.

You still fail to understand the reasoning behind such an approach.

Sorry for being a bit O.T.  Just have been following this thread and didn't
want it to restart.

-jamie <jamie silverdream org> | spamtrap: spam silverdream org
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