Re: [Evolution] public holidays in evolutions calendar

On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 02:16, Ronald Kuetemeier wrote:
attached file should work. It looks like Evolution can't handle multiple
 in one file.

exactly, it doesn't AFAIK

I just used sed to remove them, everything else should be the same,
check if it's correct or if I removed more...
Maybe fill a bug report, I'm not sure if it's bug. But remember now that
I had the problem before.

I don't know either if it's a bug or not. Maybe we should add code to
the calendar importer to take into account all the invalid things in the
icalendar files being imported, such as multiple VCALENDAR's, missing
DTENDs, and other problems people have found while importing. Or, if
it's not a bug, we should just ignore those files and have the creators
of those files fix it for us.


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