Re: [Evolution] sendmail -> procmail -> evolution, all on local host

I got this from notzed ximian com back in December 2001.  Perhaps things
are different now.

Read the thread beginning with this message:

The subject of the thread is:
"Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync."

Yep. That was me who was having that problem. I've started doing it
again to (having procmail writing to the same folders that evolution is
reading) and haven't seen the problem re-occur yet. I was hoping that
now that evolution wasn't beta anymore that problem had been addressed. 

But to answer the original question, what I do is this:
 - procmail filters my mail into ~/mail/[folder name] where PINE reads
 - those folders are actually symlinked to ~/evolution/local/Inbox/mbox
(or whatever the path to the folder's mbox file happens to be). 

I'll followup if the mismatch error continues to occur. 

Fred Chagnon
fred minix ca

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