Re: Plugins Add

Am Freitag, den 01.11.2019, 15:39 +0000 schrieb remethyst--- via eog-
Hello all,


I use EoG/Xviewer to view screenshots.
I think it would be nice to have the ability to highlight or circle
some text in a loaded screenshot (similar to the Snipping Tool
presents after something is snipped in Wndows)

i've just refreshed about C language and would like to see how
feasible it would be to add a plugin that can do this?
I suppose I would need to know C or just Python?  

Is there any suggestions on feasibility, tutorials on how to do this 
and/or particular libraries I can use to attempt this?

Or is this too big a task to take

The biggest problem is probably that eog's internals aren't really
suited for this kind of image manipulation. So far only manipulations
that are representable as matrix transformations are possible, which
the undo/redo system being heavily builds on.

Realizing this as a plugin is going to make this even harder, as not
all interfaces are available to plugins. For example you'd have to get
a handle on the drawing surface to be able to attach to redraw
requests. And we haven't talked about saving your highlights to disk.

So the baseline is that it would already be quite a task to implement
in eog itself, being even harder as a plugin.

Considering that in the longterm we plan to replace eog with gnome-
photos, which is more versatile in image editing (but doesn't work as 
simple viewer yet), personally I wouldn't invest this time.

An alternative would be using eog's "Open with..." function to load the
image in Gimp.



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